michele courage

Galactic Expansion for the Soul

Soul Alignment Activation Session


Channeled Message 

A SOUL ALIGNMENT session with Michele can help you to feel lighter and more purposeful and activate you into a higher ascension timeline.

This session with Michele helps you to gain access to and brings you closer to your full energetic potential for this lifetime and your unique purpose for being here on earth.

The Channeled Message

It is quite common that your Guides will download information through Michele that is most important for you to hear in the moment. You may not receive the definite ‘yes or no’ answer you are wishing. Your Guides are here to support your mission and soul’s journey, but will always look to you to make the final decisions on your life path while providing the wisdom and higher guidance you need to make the best informed choice to align at this time. They uphold your free will and universal law implicitly, knowing you are a vibrational being and also a creator of your reality. 

The DNA Activation : Activate into higher knowledge and frequency 

I assist you in opening and clearing your connection into higher realms for more remembering and awareness 

Your new awareness will also enable you to step into more of an observer mode. You are then able to gain more clarity when working with friends, family and clients. A session will help you to transend to a higher evolutionary existence to help anchor in the new 5D earth.

Accessing the energy I work with is a fabulous tool for further soul expansion and upliftment if you want to take the next step on your spiritual journey. 

“Most experience a shift from the start. There is more clarity – you feel a renewed sense of empowerment which triggers a raise in your vibration, bringing you closer and more inline with your souls purpose for this lifetime. You also then tend to make more aligned descisions in your everyday life. The energy I work with is just so powerful!” – Michele

What this session includes

Includes a short Colour, Cleansing and Clearing meditation 

Akashic Record Insights gained by Michele in the meditation

Written Channeled message channeled by Michele specifically for you at this time + discussion and support 

Vibration and DNA Cellular Healing 

BONUS: Can include card reading etc. if time allows

BONUS – Your channeled message from spirit is directly written for you to encourage you to align more towards what your soul’s wish is for this lifetime at this moment in your timeline.

What is my investment …

ZOOM Online sessions – 2020 SPECIAL $127   

In Person Session – $175

Session Times – Week days between 9am to 2pm – Limited after hours and weekend time slots available 

 I am happy to answer any questions please get in touch via email 

What others say

“Thank you Michele for such an incredible soul alignment session, I found it super healing and you truly did uplift my spirit within. I now look at life in such a different way and learnt that its ok for me to be me (my true self) and that alone, has made me a happier person. I love reading your Spirit message to remind me of these things and it helps keep me in my happy place. Keep being the amazing woman you are, my time with you was really needed. I appreciate you and Thank you with all my heart xxx “ – Demelza

The Soul Alignment has given me a sense of direction and a better understanding of my purpose and is such an encouraging, positive and hopeful experience. I would recommend and definitely do another Soul Alignment in the future as well as use any other of Michele’s services. She is naturally a happy and light person you would instantly be drawn too.  Thank you for the amazing experience Michele. – Tida

I loved the reading with you and want to say a big thank you. I’ve had a lot go on in my life lately and it was incredible how much you knew and could tell me. It helped clarify things for me and to see things for what they are more easily. I left feeling so content and light and that I knew that I had been making a lot of good decisions for myself lately. Thank you for reassuring the path I am on and my way of living. For being able to see me for me and help me understand so much.   Look forward to coming back again – Zemira

michele courage

Design for the Soul

+64 21 610 317
