Colour affects your life whether you are aware of the effect or not. Over the years more and more information has come forward that shows us what happens to energy. Colour is a form of energy and I believe we can use colour as a form of healing and conscious expansion.

 Here is an interesting (more scientific) explanation of how colour therapy works and will explain a bit more about why I feel so strongly about my artworks having healing abilities. Recently I also have been reading a book by Diana Cooper explaining a bit more around the purpose of art and its healing properties in the Atlantean age – but that will have to wait for another blogpost………

 Colour is a living energy. It is a property of light. Light is energy produced by the sun in different wavelengths. As the light is absorbed and reflected we end up with different colours. Everything in nature is full of colour. Vibration forms everything in life. The universe is only energy in vibration. Our body has energy fields (called chakras). All of our organs are comprised of vibrating atoms. All of us have our own unique energy system and our organs have different vibrational patterns. We all emit color.

 Light has different particles called photons and microwaves. Light penetrates everything, even our bodies. Light also emits wavelengths that we cannot see (ultraviolet). These wavelengths contain radiation, which is energy. Energy is Qi and life. Now it is revealed that the length of a wave defines its colour. In our environment there is an enormous quantity of waves with different frequency characteristics.

 Moreover, concrete frequency and colour corresponds to each organ. Having the electromagnetic nature the colour cooperates with the energetic structures of a human body, strengthening or suppressing their vibrations. Significant changes in the energy structure of the person invariably entail changes at a physical level.

This is so very exciting for me, as science is now starting to explain what many of us “whoohoo’ people have felt all along! Using colour and more importantly the practice of art to heal, will become more and more the ‘norm’ in the coming years as people begin to understand and feel the benefits of intentionally created artworks and the real benefits of colour. 

Take a look at my art and and just see how you feel and whether you can feel or see anything – even better, work with me a one-on-one private session 

OR … order one of my gorgeous Boho Style tops … and wear this energy!


Excepts taken from: