michele courage – vibrational artist

Art for the Soul

Personalised Light Code Activations 

Personalised Light Code Activations 

Coding for the Soul Channeled Lightcodes are activations from higher consciousness or source with the purpose of assisting us to awaken and remember who we truly are. These Lightcodes bypass the limitations of current communication techniques, or conscious language,...

Working with Dragon Energy

Working with Dragon Energy

Working with DRAGON ENERGY takes COURAGE. I so often get asked “what is a Dragon Clearing?” and “is it for me?” And it’s a tricky question in all honesty. Many times it depends where you are on our journey. A Dragon Clearing is all about inviting an energy in to start...

Understanding Galactic Energy

Understanding Galactic Energy

UNDERSTANDING ENERGY: GALACTIC We are all aliens really, none of us come from Earth.  Earth is just the grand experiment – where our souls have come to experience free will, to learn and grow and send the information back to the ultimate source. I believe I am a...

Online Course : Intro to DRAGON ENERGY

Online Course : Intro to DRAGON ENERGY

I recently launched my DRAGON ENERGY course! Are you curious about DRAGON ENERGY and how this energy can help you to shift and clear energy fields and frequencies? How you can use as this to do planetary service work? Are you curious about Galactic energies ? Have you...



Your body is a magical vessel that has the ability to heal itself. These activations “wake up” this healing energy inside of you and enhance mental, emotional, spiritual and physical energy within your body. All healing is self healing- the guide or healer only guides...

Dragons and their Transformational Energy

Dragons and their Transformational Energy

Dragons are legendary creatures in myth, lore, tradition, religion and spirituality. They represent transformation, wisdom, ancient knowledge, magic, mysticism, spiritual power and protection. The dragons will take you on a powerful healing journey. Working with them...

Spirit Writing in Bali

Spirit Writing in Bali

Michele Courage - a Galactic Artist who also does SPIRIT WRITING using the NEW ENERGY as her guidance. While in Bali I wrote this down through SPIRIT, when I was questioning my inner angst after being shown around an Ashram and the offering altars. There are some...

Energetic Blueprints for your Soul

Energetic Blueprints for your Soul

Energetic Blueprints are commissioned artworks for your soul. These individual Vibrational Paintings are channelled by Spiritual Artist Michele Courage and are co-created with Spirit as an energetic blueprint for your soul - a concious reminder and access to a higher...

Energy Art Explained

Energy Art Explained

Explaining what Energy Art is and how these artworks can be so powerful. When an artist is tuned in and using their intuitive abilities along with their artistic gifts the results can be absolutely amazing and bring about profound change for themselves and the viewer....



Colour affects your life whether you are aware of the effect or not. Over the years more and more information has come forward that shows us what happens to energy. Colour is a form of energy and I believe we can use colour as a form of healing and conscious...


My mission in this lifetime is to raise my vibration and in turn help to raise yours. Using my art, giving workshops and creating products as well as my using spiritually inspired words and vibrational gift, I want to help people to fully experience the JOY and WONDER you can feel on a daily basis. Yes, I too suffer setbacks, doubts and experience pain etc. But I am constantly aware of needing to let go and allow this to move through my life without holding onto this for me to lead a life with more joy, passion and fulfullment. If I can impart some knowledge or insight in this lifetime which resonates with you then I am making a difference and spreading light energy. Thank You.

Everything you read here are my own words and inspired by SPIRIT.