michele courage

Upgrades for the Soul


“A healer for healers, a light for light workers!”

“It is my honour to walk beside you as you reconnect to your remembrance”

By accessing my Galactic team which mostly include Angelic and Dragon frequency energies but can include Arcturian, Pleiadian and moreI help you to clear stuck energy within your body and energetic field, from past and current lifetimes to realign, recode and reconnect with your Soul’s true essence and most expanded potential for this lifetime.

Choose which ENERGETIC ACTIVATION suits you best …

Each client I work with needs a different type of healing energy and each session will be tailor made – please do not hesitate to get in touch if you need a bit of guidance as to which session will offer you what you need at this time. 

Channeled Message – $111

Video message included

Soul Alignment 90 min – $244

Online or In person

Energy Clearing  60 mins – $155

Online or In person

Spiritual Guidance  45 mins – $111

Online or In person

House & Property Clearing – $175

Online or In person

Dragon Activation 60 mins – $155

Online Only

Galactic Recoding 90 mins – $244

In person  preferred

Multi-Dimentional Healing

Michele has been providing and channeling in-depth information and activations for over 8 years. She tailors your session based on your goals and intentions as well as what your OverSoul needs you to know right in the moment of this timeline to become more Soul Aligned. Some of the modalities she uses are: Soul Journey’s (guided meditation), Akashic Records information, Galactic Records information, Activations (light codes/light body activation, dragon activation, other intuitively guided activations) and more.

Energetic Readings begin with a brief conversation to discuss any areas of concern or focus for your reading. Based on your goals and intentions, Michele will be guided intuitively to channel the guidance you are meant to receive.  If you are doing a Soul Alignment session, Michele reads your channelled message and helps you with interpreting the messages received from your OverSoul and guides and will give you tools to use to implement changes etc.

During any session, Michele facilitates the clearing of energetic blocks from your field, delivers any messages, as well as activations that come through specifically for you.

Sessions can also be conducted remotely by Zoom. An audio recording can be provided after your session.

“Hey Michele, just wanted you to thank you especially for all your support over the last few years I’ve made some big transitions in that time and I’m so happy with where I am now and it absolutely could not have happened without your input and energy and I’m so appreciative and grateful, thank you.” 🙏 ❤️❤️❤️❤️ – B

Align into your Soul purpose

“I am especially honoured to help you with clearing past life, generational and stuck energy. I achieve this through guided messages (Akashic memories) and connecting to expanded higher frequencies.” – Michele

I had the most unbelievable healing from Michele. I’m at at a point in my life that I needed the trauma of the past (rape) released as I’m a healer myself. I’ve been working hard on my healing journey and felt this part just wouldn’t shift from my sacral and root chakra. After my healing with Michele I went home and I felt a shift into compassion not fear of having sex. Michele had recoded the deep rooted  fear into compassion and it was the best I’d felt in a very long time and most comfortable in 9 long years!!  I’d absolutely recommend Michele to anyone with deep rooted trauma to try her Angelic / Dragon healing, it really is out of this world. I’m completely back into my divine feminine energy.” – Lizzy

“Thank you Michele for such an incredible soul alignment session, I found it super healing and you truly did uplift my spirit within. I now look at life in such a different way and learnt that its ok for me to be me (my true self) and that alone, has made me a happier person. I love reading your channeled  Spirit message to remind me of these things and it helps keep me in my happy place. Keep being the amazing woman you are, my time with you was really needed. I appreciate you and Thank you with all my heart xxx “ – Demelza

Every session varies so much and is an exciting journey of information gathering and relaying to you to help you life your best Soul Intention for this lifetime.  

“Thank you, Michele. I feel much more grounded now. The light has adjusted and I was able to sleep. Working with Mother Mary, Garbriel and Metatron to clear my system in a field of old outdated energy and allowing the purification process to be easy and to focus on my light and the light crystals in my system so my vibration natural increases and I adjust to my new me.  

Thanks so much. Your work is powerful and appreciated.” – Elizabeth

Expand your Soul’s GALACTIC connection

Allow me to help you shift, clear & expand your energy and open the channels to your remembrance

“The Soul Alignment has given me a sense of direction and a better understanding of my purpose and is such an encouraging, positive and hopeful experience. I would recommend and definitely do another Soul Alignment in the future as well as use any other of Michele’s services. She is naturally a happy and light person you would instantly be drawn too.  Thank you for the amazing experience Michele. “ – Tida

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“Most experience a shift from the start. There is more clarity – you feel a shift and therefore a renewed sense of empowerment which is the raise in your vibration. This brings you closer and more inline with your souls purpose for this lifetime. Going forward, you also tend to make more aligned decisions in your everyday life. The GALACTIC energy I work with is just so powerful!” – Michele


A gifted energy healer, soul light code artist and channeler of multi-dimensional galactic energies.

 “Michele’s session was the catalyst for a life changing movement and shift for me. Her work is authentic and deeply powerful. She is a fantastic Spirit Conduit and Light Worker.” – Hannah Spirit Conduit and Intuitive Healing Coach

What others say

 “Lovely session thanks Michele. Felt the peace, energy, unconditional love and harmony; so definitely the right place for me to be. I found it interesting the comments re my role and am now more conscious of this. Thank you again. Keep up the wonderful work you are doing. Lots of love and gratitude ” Dr. Chris 

Michele guided me to find the power and strength I had inside me. She helped me tap into a whole new level of power, clarity and knowing, that I can now access anytime and all the time. I feel empowered and free. 

   “I feel something is definitely integrating and shifting for sure! Definitely still integrating but definitely feeling more solid within myself and  less all over the shop.

 “Last year I had one of Michele‘s Soul Code Alignment Activation sessions and I was blown away with what came through for me. It was such a beautiful session and I remember coming to tears. It was exactly what I needed to hear at that time and I am so grateful to have spent this time with Michele she is such a lovely person and I would highly recommend her to anyone” xx

“It is truely magnificent Michele. The depth, vibrational energy and enlightenment that was felt is truly magnificent. You have certainly moved into a different realm. The world is ready!”

 “I had the pleasure of having an Energy Healing session with Michele recently. Her session was the catalyst for a life changing movement and shift for me. She helped introduce me to my inner child on a level that I had not experienced before. I was able to spend the next month at least, journeying very deep into healing that area of my life. In turn it spun out into other areas as well. Michele is a mover and a shaker. Her work is authentic and deeply powerful. She has a beautiful way of guiding you through the process so that you feel safe and empowered. I would not hesitate in coming to see Michele for another healing again and I intend to do so in the coming months. The first time I met Michele, being a Spirit Conduit and Intuitive Healing Coach myself, I knew she had a gift and something very tangible to utilise for the greater good of all involved. I highly encourage anyone on the journey to healing and understanding the connection between self and spirit to go and see Michele. The talent that she displays in her artwork translates into the energy work she can transmute through you with her connection to the divine. She is a fantastic Spirit Conduit and Light Worker.” – Hannah Joy Spirit Conduit and Intuitive Healing Coach

 “The Soul Code Alignment Activation has given me a sense of direction and a better understanding of my purpose and is such an encouraging, positive and hopeful experience. I would recommend and definitely do another Soul Alignment in the future as well as use any other of Michele’s services. She is naturally a happy and light person you would instantly be drawn too.  Thank you for the amazing experience Michele. “  

  “Your energy has awakened something that has been laying dormant for what I think is a millennia, maybe more. The cobwebs have been cleared away and the codes that you have painted in my aura, my energy field, my soul are working their magic. The remembering has begun.” 


What others say

“I feel something is definitely integrating and shifting for sure! Definitely still integrating but definitely feeling more solid within myself less all over the shop.”

“Your energy has awakened something that has been laying dormant for what I think is a millennia, maybe more. The cobwebs have been cleared away and the codes that you have painted in my aura, my energy field, my soul are working their magic. The remembering has begun.” – x

“I just had the best day, you are a super star and I feel totally honored to be taught so much more than art from you. I had loads of stuff happen last night while I was in bed that i can’t explain.  Like a computer in my head downloading a shit ton of stuff!!! You are amazing and should be proud.  Love you for all you give, your energy and inspiration to help others rise.  Bless you honey ❤ xx” –  Nicole

I was so excited to do this beautiful galactic artwork yesterday. It is truely magnificent Michele. The depth, vibrational energy and enlightenment that was felt is truly magnificent. You have certainly moved into a different realm. The world is ready!”

I was so excited to do this beautiful galactic artwork yesterday. It is truely magnificent Michele. The depth, vibrational energy and enlightenment that was felt is truly magnificent. You have certainly moved into a different realm. The world is ready.”

I attended Michele’s Pleiadian Galactic Art workshop and just loved it! We spent the day basking in galactic energies and allowing them to take shape on the canvas, with some meditation, discussion, and delectable veggie lasagna though the day too. I have my painting hung where I see it every day and it’s like a portal in the house. I’m thrilled that I made this investment in myself, for something beautiful that came through just for me, which I’ll have always. Thanks Michele” – Courtney

michele courage

Design for the Soul

+64 21 610 317
