michele courage – vibration artist
Light Encoded Art for the Soul
I create art portals for you to access light encoded energy
It is my honour to bring these higher vibration frequencies through for you
These artworks are attuned for you to align into the intended frequency. There are many layers of vibrational information contained in these paintings: A living key code transmission helping you to access and rise up into your highest timeline.
“When artworks are created within a certain intended vibration they act as portals into that energy and more.” – Michele
Available for purchase – Canvas Prints
Dropshipped right to your door

Divine Feminine
There are many layers of information contained in the painting: The connection through this portal painting to Goddess Energy, deep connection to Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, a living key code transmission helping you to access your true Goddess self.
Divine Feminine Calls in the Goddess energies some of which are: Hathor – Hathor, goddess of the sky, of women and of fertility and love. ISIS – goddess of life and magic, protector of women and children, healing the sick, accepting the sovereign divinity of your humanity. Green Tara – embodies the healing energy of release from fear and ignorance, human ignorance comes in many forms—from jealousy to pride, the healing energy of Green Tara brings awareness and relief from these negative aspects – It is safe to create heaven on earth. Quan Yin – inspires compassion – Soothes your awakening with self compassion. Mother Mary – peace, love and purity – Destiny is a promise you made to yourself. Mary Magdalene – feminine strenghth, energizes, support and sexuality – Accessing your inner angels of self mastery. White Buffalo Woman – purify the world, bring harmony, balance and spirituality to all nations – Prayers as an act of self realisation. Sophia Dragons – Anchoring your Golden Dragon light body at your sacred heart
Canvas Prints NOW available –
- Ready to hang canvas prints available
- Worldwide shipping – Dropshipped right to your door
- Size: 70x100cm / 28×40″, Vertical (portrait) orientation, Thick wooden canvas frame

Lemurian Consciousness
There are many layers of information contained in the painting.
The connection through this portal painting is into Lemuria and the energetic coding from the Lemurians and their way of life.
- Deeply grounding
- Moving as one consciousness
- Connection to Mother Earth
- Christ consciousness
Canvas Prints NOW available –
- Ready to hang canvas prints available
- Worldwide shipping – Dropshipped right to your door
- Size: 70x100cm / 28×40″, Vertical (portrait) orientation, Thick wooden canvas frame

Pleiadian Stardust
There are many layers of information contained in the painting.
The connection through this portal painting to Pleiadian energies which raises your vibration and brings in a peaceful energy. The codes help with uplifting energy, lightening up of your energy field. Helping you to access higher and lighter emotions to help navigate your soul path here on earth.
Canvas Prints NOW available –
- Ready to hang canvas prints available
- Worldwide shipping – Dropshipped right to your door
- Size: 70x100cm / 28×40″, Vertical (portrait) orientation, Thick wooden canvas frame

Landscape Vision
There are many layers of information contained in the painting.
The connection through this portal painting to Earth energies raises your vibration and brings in a loving and lightening up of your energy helping you to access higher and lighter, loving emotions.
- Ready to hang prints available
- Worldwide shipping
Canvas Prints available – Drop shipped to your door
- 20 x 20cm
- 30 x 30cm
- 40 x 40cm
- 50 x 50cm
- 60 x 60cm

Cosmic Circle
There are many layers of information contained in the painting.
The connection through this portal painting to Earth energies raises your vibration and connects you deeper into Gaia and the energy she needs to heal.
- Ready to hang prints available
- Worldwide shipping
Canvas Prints available – Drop shipped to your door
- 20 x 20cm
- 30 x 30cm
- 40 x 40cm
- 50 x 50cm
- 60 x 60cm
More canvas prints available soon …
“Your painting is truly terrific and proudly hangs in our family room. Visitors to our home comment very favorably when they see it and you really have left a lasting impression, certainly in our home, with your terrific work. Keep your paintings coming, Michele, the one you did for us was exceptional. Irving Schlosberg – Specialist Music Industry and Business Management Consultant/ Freelance Writer
“My art is intuitively connected to my spirituality and reflects my passionate nature, revealing an insight into my ability to channel specific colours and energetic Soul Codes and then transfer these onto the canvas. I have been channeling colours and codework onto artwork for a number of years now and have in the past few years started mastering my gifts and understanding the transformative power they have. I now also offer energy healing from my studio or via zoom sessions – resetting and re-imprinting your Soul Codes into your energetic field.” – Michele