Raise Your Vibe Circle with Michele – Riverstones


RAISE YOUR VIBE with Michele

  • DATE: Thursday 19th September 2024
  • TIME:  6.30pm 
  • VENUE: Riverstones Retreat – 198 River Road, Otane (Central Hawke’s Bay)

RAISE YOUR VIBE CIRCLES – A conscious meeting of souls – join me at Riverstones for an evening of connection with likeminded souls. Small groups.

  • I usually have with me some of my products which are available to purchase
  • Booking is essential via this online payment or a pvt message to ensure your place
  • Payment on the night is available
  • Unwaged Koha accepted

Doing the work with support and connection. Come and RAISE YOUR VIBE with me.

6 in stock


Multi-Dimentional Healing

Michele has been providing and channeling in-depth information and activations for over 8 years. She tailors your session based on your goals and intentions as well as what your OverSoul needs you to know right in the moment of this timeline to become more Soul Aligned. Some of the modalities she uses are: Soul Journey’s (guided meditation), Akashic Records information, Galactic Records information, Activations (light codes/light body activation, dragon activation, other intuitively guided activations) and more.

Energetic Readings begin with a brief conversation to discuss any areas of concern or focus for your reading. Based on your goals and intentions, Michele will be guided intuitively to channel the guidance you are meant to receive.  If you are doing a Soul Alignment session, Michele reads your channelled message and helps you with interpreting the messages received from your OverSoul and guides and will give you tools to use to implement changes etc.

During any session, Michele facilitates the clearing of energetic blocks from your field, delivers any messages, as well as activations that come through specifically for you.


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This is YOUR  invitation to have a conscious chat with like-minded souls over a cuppa!

These sessions are held in my lovely ART studio in Paremata.

Pricing: This a booking fee of $20 and only 8 seats available on any given evening. Seats fill fast. (Please RSVP if you intend paying on the day.)