Energetic Blueprints are commissioned artworks for your soul. These individual Vibrational Paintings are channelled by Spiritual Artist Michele Courage and are co-created with Spirit as an energetic blueprint for your soul – a concious reminder and access to a higher vibration for yourself.

“I work in the “NEW Energy” and using this wonderful light I create paintings for you which are unique to you, for you – it is a remembering for your soul. It can act like a compass to keep you on track with your soul’s wishes for this lifetime.”

The artwork is designed to support an individual on their soul’s journey into the new energy. A vibrational painting will contain energies that tell the story of a soul’s journey across time and the paintings are infused with the higher resonance for the soul and it’s connection to the divine, allowing the soul a portal and doorway to the truth of their eternal being.

‘I have always done this type of work and not fully understood what I was doing or why I could not paint for myself as other artists do – I always felt this need to paint for a certain individual and by doing more investigation into this spiritually, I have finally arrived at a conclusion which absolutely resonates with my soul. When I look back at the commissions I have done in the past, they were so personal and each one always touched the clients heart in a way which was unbelievable and also touched my soul.’

On my journey to find my why, I have found this beautiful contribution I can make to Raising someones Vibration by accessing and giving them a Blueprint to follow. I know that the sceptics out there will look at the work and say it is just art – but there are many out there who would disagree – those who are on a deeply spiritual journey will ‘get’ what I am about and will understand the impact a channelled artwork like this could have on your lifes path.

Everything is a vibration, colour vibrates, we vibrate, our cells and DNA vibrate……so why would we not communicate via vibration as well?

If you are interested in a private commissioned artwork please contact Michele directly. No smaller than 800x800mm,  commissioned work starts at NZ$1000.00 per square metre.